Thursday, February 11, 2010

IPhone Can Treat Acne

IPhone can treat acne?

iPhone can treat acne? Houston, a dermatologist discovered a new method of treatment of acne, that is install a program called AcneApp in the iPhone. It is reported that the treatment principle is AcneApp can displlay blue 420 nm and 550 nm red light from phone screen, respectively, through the stimulation of light to accelerate the growth of collagen  promote healing and help speed up the metabolism of skin cells.

the price of this program  is currently 1.99 U.S. dollars in the software stores, with an average score of 3 points (out of five points).

there are already 179 individual software for evaluation, This procedure might be effective, but I want to remind everyone that if you want to stay away from acne, the best way is maintain personal hygiene, keep good hygiene practices.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Using Baking Soda To Get Rid of Acne - One Easy And Cheap Way

Use baking soda as long as two simple steps you can remove the blackhead(acne):

1. A small amount of baking soda powder, add pure water or mineral water, according to the ratio of 1:10 with Stir until baking soda powder dissolves.

2. Take a cotton pad and put it in powder we made above, gently twist it's moisture until semi-dry state, attached the cotton pad to the nose, finall lift it down in 15 minutes.

At this time look in the mirrow that you can see the blackhead are come out from skin. Then do not pick blackhead with a needle, in stead use face tissue to clean the blackhead, finally you'll see the blackhead are adhere to the face tissue. At last, dip a cotton pad with contraction of water and put it in the nose for 5 minutes. Also you can take some ice and cover it on the skin, it's a useful method to shrink pores.

How do the baking soda do it? The baking soda powder is alkaline, the skin secretion of oil is acidic, acid-base would dissolve the blackhead out, Black is blocked oil in the pores,it will turn black after air oxidation. Therefore, Black must not use tearing to cleaning up, the blackhead are need dissolved.

It would hurt the skin? Baking soda can be eaten, though it's basicity, but not the same as the base powder as skin damage, so use it in the the skin does not cause skin damage, but the sensitive skin  use as little as possible. Do not use it in delicate cheeks.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Teach You How To Use Cleansing Oil Remove BlackHeads(Acne)


1. Cleansing Oil

2. Towel


First: remove nose blackheads

Step 1: Use double the normal number of blackheads Cleansing Oil cover the blackheads,and then Massage 3-5 minutes.

Step 2: add a little water, continue massage 1-2 minutes.

Step 3: rinsing with clean water and found stubborn blackheads be dissolved out already.

Second: remove acne

Step 1: Using Cleansing Oil as usual.

Step 2: Using hot towels at nose about 3-5 minutes until the pores open.

Step 3: Using cleansing Oil carefully massage acne plug about 2-3 minutes.

Step 4: rinsing with clean water.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Seven Kinds of The Most Natural Way To Cure Acne Scars

Difficult to treat acne, even if cure the acne, acne scars is also very distressed people.

Although the laser treatment to eliminate the embarrassment caused by acne scars. But not everyone can afford such expensive treatment, through this article, you can learn some simple ways to eliminate acne scars.

However, you need a lot of patience, because the use of these therapies may need to go through some time to be fully effective, and a firm determination and careful observation is required to this treatment.

Drink plenty of water: This is one of the most worthy of recommendable way to reduce the acne scars. More water not only improve the blood circulation, but also enhance the body's wound healing ability. So, you should be drink 7-8 glasses of water a day at least, each cup about 300 ml.

Honey: Honey is considered a great "skin builder" and the perfect medicine for the treatment of acne scars. You can smear some of honey on the scars directly or make it on the face for 10 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

Eat tomatoes: Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A and can reduce the appearance of acne scars and effective substances, it is recommended to eat fresh tomatoes every day, so that can help heal and reduce acne scars.

Using aloe vera gel: Aloe vera gel or juice is very useful to reduce acne scars, I suggest you grown  some aloe plants at home, so you can use fresh pure aloe juice to restore balance to your acne scars. Also a lot of brands of cosmetics companies are producing pure aloe vera gel, so that you can choose a good brand to use aloe vera gel.

Drink lemon juice: Lemon in fact contain large quantities of citric acid. Citric acid is a kind of acid, which has a striking effect to reduce scarring. Drink more lemonade more often make you more quickly get rid of acne scar troubles.

Using ice: This is one of the most easiest way to treat acne scars. Although it can not let you get treatment immediately, but they will give you a satisfactory result if you insisted on use ice, at least 10 to 15 minutes every day.

Ease the pressure: The pressure is one of the factors causing acne and acne may even stop the healing. Therefore, to avoid the pressure caused by tension, if the situation does not allow, at least to find some different ways to resolve stress.

Get rid of Acne Tips

To give up beauty.
Beauty more harm than good, especially if the beautician too enthusiastic, and donot learned how to deal with acne prone skin, then even more worse.

Using Water-based cosmetics
Water cosmetics is not like other types of cosmetic blocked pores. Through the label you can see some sort of cosmetic formulations is water or oil category. If the label was not clear, you can use the following methods to identified: Put the cosmetics in water for a while, if it is separated into water and powder, then is water formulations; if it combines with water, it means it contains oils and fats . Eye and lip cosmetics do not have too many demands, because these parts are generally not birthplace of acne.

Do not use hand to shore chin.
Try not to touch the face by hand. Like dig face, pimple touch make acne damage. The cap liner and chin strap of baseball caps and sports equipment or anti-sweat too tight, will lead to the same consequences.

Avoid sunshine.
Excessive exposure to sunshine can cause skin cancer and premature aging. To protect the skin and prevent more acne, you can use SPF value of 15 or higher non-oil-based sunscreen, so not only avoid the acne worse, but also to prevent skin cancer and wrinkles. Many waterproof sunscreen often cause obstruction to the face of the oil glands. Therefore, if you often sweat, or planning to go swimming, better use of non-oil-based sunscreen, a few multi-coated is fine.

Far away from the food may cause acne
Although there is no conclusive evidence that chocolate, fats and oils, nuts and other foods has directly linked to acne. However, if you find grown some acne after you eating some food , it's better to eat less.

12.Be careful of iodine
Many vitamins and iodized salt containe iodine, while some doctors believe that iodine may cause acne. So you must be careful with it.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Do You Know How To Use Acne Needle Correctly?

For a long time, everyone's understanding of acne needle is not comprehensive, always believing that the use of the acne needle will certainly hurt the skin. In fact, acne needle itself has not any harm, but rather depends on how do you use the acne needle. Using acne needle to remove acne has a certain degree of difficulty. If you know how to operater it without harm the skin, you can own operation yourself. If you are not very understand the use of acne needle, it is recommended choice of professional hospital to treatment.

Acne needle, What is this?

Acne needle is a tool to help squeeze acnea. in general, the front-end of acne needle is the same as a sharp needle, while in the other side, there was a small round cover. Needle is used to broken acne, while the small round cover is used to squeeze acne purulent material inside. Acupuncture are popular in the treatment of acne.

Must be disinfected before use

Must be disinfected before use, to wash hands and face clean, otherwise the bacteria will take advantage of. This is the most basic and most important step, if not pay enough attention, the bacteria contact with acne, wounds will be infected with acne, resulting in even greater trouble.

Must control well in the strength of using acne needle

Using acne needle tip pierced the whitish part of acne.This step is necessary to have the power appropriate. If the power smaller, acne wouldn't broken; if forceful, you'll get a big hole in skin, and even bloodshed, which is not good. Note that the way the pick acne, we must keep a 90-degree vertical.

Not all acne are suitable for using acne needle

Important to note: if your acne has not yet to "mature" time, do not punctured. That there is no inflammation, acne symptoms can only be deep nor shallow puncture. Acne is not too deep or prolonged anti-inflammatory, and is best not to pierce, look at the doctor.

Nursing after remove acne

Using medication cotton to absorb moisture in the skin, do not wash your face. Wait for the wound dry and then wash it with clean water, otherwise they will be infected.And then sprayed with Shrink pores water, do not forget this step, otherwise your pores will be thicker and larger.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

12 Ways To Get Rid of Acne(Cure Acne)

Although almost everyone is an unavoidable fight with acne, we do not want to make public appearances in public with our "hill" face. In fact acne is not terrible, as long as you refer to our proposal, it can easily get out of this torture.

This article will introduce you to the causes of acne, as well as a reasonable prevention and treatment.

We have the first step to eliminate acne started.

1.Do not touch it!
Do not pick, squeeze, rub or touch your acne. Because doing this may lead to bacterial infection. Similarly, we should try to control ourself to avoid touch face from time to time. Scarf, headband and a variety of hats belt may also be squeezed into the affected area.

2.Using benzoyl peroxide
Using non-prescription drugs once or twice daily which containing benzoyl peroxide. It is both clear the blocked pores of dead skin cells and oils and fats, but also can inhibit the growth of bacteria. First, you should choose the most dilute concentration - typically 2.5% or 5% of the lotion or cream. Used once a day. If your skin does not feel discomfort after a week, then increased to twice a day.

3.Using drugs containing sulfur or resorcinol
Try using a non-prescription drugs containing sulfur or resorcinol. They can stimulate the skin, thus removing the oil glands. However, the vast majority of dermatologists believe that benzoyl peroxide is the most effective non-prescription drugs to deal with the acne.

4.The overall treatment
Not only painted cream in the site of acne. Those which tend to grow acne areas also need to paint. These regions include the face (except for the lips and eyes), neck and chest.

5.Clean face moderate
Clean face can remove skin oils, but can not remove fat inside the skin. In fact, if you wash your face too frequently, it will be possible to stimulate the sensitive facial skin, or cause facial skin dehydration.

6.The correct way to clean face
With the correct way to wash your face every day once or twice: first,painting soap or marked "moderate" or "sensitive skin application" of non-soap detergent on the face, and then gently rub your fingertips stained with warm water. If your skin is oily, you can use soap that contains benzoyl peroxide to remove grease components.

7.Nubuck cleaning materials used with caution
Scrub cleaning means using rough towel, bath towel, or other similar product to remove surface dead skin cells. However, when the skin has been stimulated by acne, scrub clean the friction material will only make the situation worse. Do not use brushes, rough sponges or towels or similar products to clean the face, soft skin. For the skin less sensitive like the back and chest, can be try to use acne scrub board and a soap that contains benzoyl peroxide.

8.Avoid use oil products
Avoid use oily oily products like RT-Mart,balm. In addition, the option of using SPF value of 15 or higher non-oil-based sunscreen, so not only avoid the acne worse, but also to prevent skin cancer and wrinkles. Many waterproof sunscreen often cause obstruction to the face of the oil glands. Therefore, if you often sweat, or planning to go swimming, better use of non-oil-based sunscreen, a few multi-coated is fine.

9.Careful selection cosmetics
Water cosmetics is not like other types of cosmetic blocked pores. Through the label you can see some sort of cosmetic formulations is water or oil category. If the label was not clear, you can use the following methods to identified: Put the cosmetics in water for a while, if it is separated into water and powder, then is water formulations; if it combines with water, it means it contains oils and fats . Eye and lip cosmetics do not have too many demands, because these parts are generally not birthplace of acne.

10.Avoid the facial massage
Do not do facial massage, as it may worsen rather than improve the situation of your facial skin.

11.Far away from the food may cause acne
Although there is no conclusive evidence that chocolate, fats and oils, nuts and other foods has directly linked to acne. However, if you find grown some acne after you eating some food , it's better to eat less.

12.Be careful of iodine
Many vitamins and iodized salt containe iodine, while some doctors believe that iodine may cause acne. So you must be careful with it.