Sunday, January 31, 2010

12 Ways To Get Rid of Acne(Cure Acne)

Although almost everyone is an unavoidable fight with acne, we do not want to make public appearances in public with our "hill" face. In fact acne is not terrible, as long as you refer to our proposal, it can easily get out of this torture.

This article will introduce you to the causes of acne, as well as a reasonable prevention and treatment.

We have the first step to eliminate acne started.

1.Do not touch it!
Do not pick, squeeze, rub or touch your acne. Because doing this may lead to bacterial infection. Similarly, we should try to control ourself to avoid touch face from time to time. Scarf, headband and a variety of hats belt may also be squeezed into the affected area.

2.Using benzoyl peroxide
Using non-prescription drugs once or twice daily which containing benzoyl peroxide. It is both clear the blocked pores of dead skin cells and oils and fats, but also can inhibit the growth of bacteria. First, you should choose the most dilute concentration - typically 2.5% or 5% of the lotion or cream. Used once a day. If your skin does not feel discomfort after a week, then increased to twice a day.

3.Using drugs containing sulfur or resorcinol
Try using a non-prescription drugs containing sulfur or resorcinol. They can stimulate the skin, thus removing the oil glands. However, the vast majority of dermatologists believe that benzoyl peroxide is the most effective non-prescription drugs to deal with the acne.

4.The overall treatment
Not only painted cream in the site of acne. Those which tend to grow acne areas also need to paint. These regions include the face (except for the lips and eyes), neck and chest.

5.Clean face moderate
Clean face can remove skin oils, but can not remove fat inside the skin. In fact, if you wash your face too frequently, it will be possible to stimulate the sensitive facial skin, or cause facial skin dehydration.

6.The correct way to clean face
With the correct way to wash your face every day once or twice: first,painting soap or marked "moderate" or "sensitive skin application" of non-soap detergent on the face, and then gently rub your fingertips stained with warm water. If your skin is oily, you can use soap that contains benzoyl peroxide to remove grease components.

7.Nubuck cleaning materials used with caution
Scrub cleaning means using rough towel, bath towel, or other similar product to remove surface dead skin cells. However, when the skin has been stimulated by acne, scrub clean the friction material will only make the situation worse. Do not use brushes, rough sponges or towels or similar products to clean the face, soft skin. For the skin less sensitive like the back and chest, can be try to use acne scrub board and a soap that contains benzoyl peroxide.

8.Avoid use oil products
Avoid use oily oily products like RT-Mart,balm. In addition, the option of using SPF value of 15 or higher non-oil-based sunscreen, so not only avoid the acne worse, but also to prevent skin cancer and wrinkles. Many waterproof sunscreen often cause obstruction to the face of the oil glands. Therefore, if you often sweat, or planning to go swimming, better use of non-oil-based sunscreen, a few multi-coated is fine.

9.Careful selection cosmetics
Water cosmetics is not like other types of cosmetic blocked pores. Through the label you can see some sort of cosmetic formulations is water or oil category. If the label was not clear, you can use the following methods to identified: Put the cosmetics in water for a while, if it is separated into water and powder, then is water formulations; if it combines with water, it means it contains oils and fats . Eye and lip cosmetics do not have too many demands, because these parts are generally not birthplace of acne.

10.Avoid the facial massage
Do not do facial massage, as it may worsen rather than improve the situation of your facial skin.

11.Far away from the food may cause acne
Although there is no conclusive evidence that chocolate, fats and oils, nuts and other foods has directly linked to acne. However, if you find grown some acne after you eating some food , it's better to eat less.

12.Be careful of iodine
Many vitamins and iodized salt containe iodine, while some doctors believe that iodine may cause acne. So you must be careful with it.

7 Good Practice To Eliminate Acne

1. Don't squeeze the acne in order to avoid the proliferation of inflammation. It'll flow more oil after squeeze acne, and leaves coarse pores and scars.

2. Every morning and evening cleaning face with facial cleanser or soap, remove the oil, maintain hair follicles catheter patency. The number of clean face should not too much, 2-3 times a day is better, so as not to undermine the normal sebum film. Because of excessive stimulation of the skin will only make oil glands secrete more oil.

3. Do not use a grinding Cleansing Foam to clean Face. Do not do inflammation of massage and skin desquamation in a beauty salon.

4. Should not use oily cosmetics, caution sunscreen, cover cream and foundation and so on. Have tried to use with the anti-inflammatory effect Toner, oily skin and should also pay attention more to add moisture, which can balance oil secretion to improve the role of oily skin.

5. A balanced diet, don't eat hot pepper, mutton, greasy, seafood and other irritating foods.

6. Regulate gastrointestinal function, maintaining smooth stool are conducive to the rehabilitation of this disease.

7. Note that rest and keep good sleep and psychological state.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Three Physical Treatments Methods for Acne

1. Squeezing

If squeezed the acne when the acne has pus, it can cause bacterial infections, made acne symptoms worsen and leave scars at the end of the treatment. If you have to squeeze the acne out, you must reduce inflammation first. Using the sterile needle, or carbon dioxide laser pierce acne or small pustule after the inflammation disappeared. This treatment may seem simple, but in fact very high degree of technical proficiency need. If the direct extrusion at home or in the informal areas with unsanitary equipment to do treatment, is likely to leave hateful scars, they must be in the hospital for treatment.

2. Peel off the skin

Peeling technique use melt horny chemical supplies (Combe's solution, ethanol, salt) to peeling the skin stratum corneum and part of skin when Large-scale proliferation of acne occurs. The blocked pores are opened up, grease discharge freely, inflammation may be effectively inhibited, while promoting the absorption of other smear-based agents to improve the overall efficacy of treaments after dipel the horny.

3. Laser

The treatment of inflammatory acne mostly using helium-neon laser treatment. Using helium-neon laser treatment can rapidly inhibit inflammation and  the wound can also rapid recovery after treatment. It can promote the formation of new skin and as possible to shorten treatment time. Furthermore, compared with other therapies, it is relatively small damage to the skin, it's a popular treament method for people to cure acne.

The Effective Method To Cure Non-Inflammatory Acne, Papular Acne and Pustule Acne!

The effective method to cure non-inflammatory acne, papular acne and pustule acne!

First observation of the shape and level of development of acne, according to different symptoms, use different treatment to cure acne.

Acne: It is the oil glands are 'hormones' effects arise, or the bacteria causing acne fat fat pus, eventually leading to chronic inflammatory skin diseases, which have different symptoms according to emergent stage.

1.Non-inflammatory acne (whitehead acne / blackhead)

Acne can be classified white-headed pimples and blackheads  according to shape and color. You will see around 1 ~ 2mm in diameter the size of a small, white, convex-shaped particles with careful observation. This is the beginning of acne, pores accumulated fat and horny. If the grease block pores, covered with a layer of keratin, looks like white (whitehead), but the oil group exposed to the pore and contact with air or dirt will produce oxidation, then become dark color (black).

How to cure non-inflammatory acne?

At this stage of the acne is better not to neglect, but rather squeeze it out. But if you do not disinfect instruments, squeeze with your hand directly, it's easily damaged skin azai  nd leaving scars. First should expand the pores with steaming towel, and then use sterile cotton swab to press acne softly and disinfection acne site with alcohol, make-up wate after squeeze acne out. Dermatology where doing will usually use laser or needle to open clogging pores, and then use sterile acne squeezing device to squeeze oil corporations, so it will not leave any scars.

2.Papular acne (red acne)

In the initial phase of the non-inflammatory acne accompanied by a slight inflammation around the symptoms. Hair follicle mouth, the pores are blocked, oil can not be discharged, bacterium will multiply within oil glands. The bacteria break down fat to produce free fatty acids stimulate the follicle wall or surrounding dermis, leading inflammation occurs. Substance secreted by the bacteria was even worse the inflammation which around hair follicles.

How to cure Papular acne?

Acne show red, their hair around the abscess, and has begun to feel the pain during this period. Alert: Avoid extrusion. This phase must begin to receive professional medical treatment, in order to ensure successful treatment and no leave any scars. What your can do at home is not made acne pus become worse. When the acne gradually grow up, try not to make-up. If you can only deal with it at home, then squeeze the acne when you do not feel pain. Have to wait until its fat pus, and the pain disappeared and become softer when you want to squeeze the acne out. The skill is squeeze it at more direction until the blood clears, taking care not to damage the skin. If the negligence of skin care, it is easy to leave terrible scars.

3.Pustule acne

Acne generates a lot of pustule, and has been grown deep into the skin, many people do not like that period. Pustule is often not easily flow out of the skin, but can infect and undermine the skin organization, even after recovery is also possible to leave hateful scars.

How to cure pustule acne?

Because of badly swollen, pain is also severe, if I have to squeeze it is easy to leave a deep hole in the skin during this period. it is necessary to a dermatologist for professional treatment.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Alert! 8 Big Mistake In Get Rid of Acne

Stubborn acne will make you a headache. Exhausted all of the best method is still incurable.A lot of girls do not understand it, the available methods are used, why acne is still stubborn existence? Perhaps you do not know, your "get rid of acne" idea might be wrong!

Error 1: Whelk is not acne
Acne is of course a part of acne, but studies have shown that even more important is that whelk is homologous with the acne and whelk could easily trigger the occurrence of acne, if not just want to eradicate whelk without cure acne is simply fish in the air.

Tips: Say goodbye to acne must be accompanied by acne treatment.

Error 2: Acne is a normal phenomenon
With a high incidence of acne, but not normal. While 88% of people have been plagued by acne, it does not attach importance to the occurrence of acne, there may appear cropped up pimples overnight and all that ruin your perfect dating thing.

Tips: When there are several acne you need to treatment.

Error 3: Acne is caused due to fats, it will be fine when oils dissolved out.

Acne is not simply caused by grease, but by the composition of fats and horny.

Tips: There will be wrong inference if we think like that.

Error 4: Acne is a result of the face did not wash clean, as evidenced by the black blackheads.
There are many factors cause acne, the most common reason is because the body, and the face has nothing to do do not wash clean.

Tips: Blackhead are black because of oxidation and air contact formed black, definitely not dirty.

Error 5: Cleansing Oil and wash your face can get rid of acne.
Just talked about the formation of acne There are many factors, in addition to the surface of the skin problems, as well as some endocrine formed,  simply use the Uninstall oil facial cleanser can not fundamentally solve the problem.

Tips: Do a good job cleaning the skin is very important, of course, but the most important thing are note endocrine problems.

Error 6: Acne problems can be resolved by regular deposition mask or exfoliating acne.
Grease and horny inside the hair follicle are often intertwined, even if the oil can be dissolved out, or get rid of the surface of keratinocytes, sebaceous gland secretion from the fat fuse with horny quickly, so that the formation of acne again!

tips: Please do not think simply acne can be solved by just using one method.

Error 7: Pulled out, or suck out of acne can be resolved.
Many people like to go to beauty salons or at home using their sticks to squeeze acne face acne, but more than these methods can only give you in a good mood a few days, since they are temporary, not long, you will In the original place to see acne resurrection againl.

Tips: Even more horrible is that if you do not have to master a good way, is likely to leave permanent scars on your face.

Error 8: You cann't control your fate! In fact there has not solution in cure acne!
Modern dermatology has developed a high concentration of acid, vitamin A derivatives, and so topical pharmaceutical drugs to eradicate acne, these drugs not only prevents hair follicle mouth of the dead cells blocking hair follicles due to abnormal keratosis extraoral, but also act on the connective tissue around the hair follicles to restore it to flexibility, so that it can to expand the diameter of the pores in order to spill sebum and prevent new acne generation, would eventually be able to remove it completely.

Tips: Normally it takes six weeks to see results, but also requires a doctor's prescription, so many people are not unaware of (for example, did not go for medical treatment), is yet to see the effect and give up, thinking there is no way to solve this annoying problem of acne.